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Meet Jay Jakobs

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I am a trained and certified Thanatologist Pastoral Specialist, certified by CCPC Global (Canadian Council of Professional Certification).  I completed a Masters in Theological Studies, with a concentration in Thanatology which is the study of grief and end-of-life care at Tyndale Seminary & University in Toronto.


Why grief counselling? Grief is a universal experience, yet we live in a culture that does not give adequate time and space to grieve and mourn our losses. In my past careers, working in youth corrections and as an addictions counselor as well as navigating my own grief experiences, I have seen the impact that loss and grief can have on individuals and families. I have also noticed that there is a gap in the support and care for those who find themselves in these situations.  Recognizing this gap and understanding that grief is often overwhelming and difficult to navigate, I wanted to provide a service that cared for people as they journey through their unique grief experience.

  • Certified Thanatologist Pastoral Specialist with CCPC Global.

  • Masters in Theological Studies, with a Concentration in Thanatology (Tyndale University & Seminary).

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