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Allow me to support you through your grief journey.

Grief is the price we pay for love.

Dr. Collin Murray Parkes

Grief Care

Grief is a universal experience and one that is normal and necessary. It is the natural reaction to losing someone or something that we loved or highly valued. This could be the death of a friend, or family member, the breakdown of a marriage, the loss of a job, a new diagnosis or even the death of a pet. Despite grief being a normal part of life, it is one of the most difficult and painful things we will experience, often leaving us feeling confused and disoriented. In addition, while grieving, we often have a flood of different thoughts, emotions and physical symptoms that are difficult to navigate.


Over time, many people, with the help of friends and family, will slowly work through the process of mourning their loss. However, in a culture that is grief avoidant, there are many factors that can make the grief and mourning process difficult. This includes finding adequate support. This is where I come in. I provide a safe and empathetic environment where you are able to openly share and process your unique grief experience at your own pace. My goal is to help support you as you mourn the loss of what, or who, you hold dear and adapt to the change that this brings. 

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“For me, supporting you through your grief journey is a calling. I am passionate about what I do.”

 Services Offered

Individual Grief Counselling

Grief can be overwhelming, and we grieve many different kinds of losses. I provide a safe place to help you process your thoughts, emotions and experience as you journey through grief.

There are many situations when it can be beneficial to attend grief counselling together with your partner. Individuals often process grief differently and it can be helpful to attend counselling together to better understand what your partner is experiencing and how to support one another.

Group Loss Debriefing

Often a death, especially one that is unexpected, can have an impact on a group of people, leaving workplaces, places of worship, or clubs, reeling with the loss. Having an opportunity to come together and share grief experiences, allows people to feel supported, know they are not alone, and helps the community collectively process the loss.

End of Life Planning and Pastoral Care

When someone is approaching the end of life, there can be a need for pastoral care for the dying and their family. Sometimes having someone to provide prayer, support, and even help guide difficult conversations between the dying and family members can be helpful.

Supports may include:

  • Last rites, including communion and prayer,

  • End of life planning with the dying and/or family,

  • Companionship and pastoral care for the dying.

Alzehimer's and Dementia Support Group

Alzheimer's and Dementia are devastating illnesses, not only for the person with the diagnosis but also for the family. This group is specifically designed for family members or friends dealing with a loved one who is suffering from Alzheimer's or Dementia.

Please contact Jay for more information.

Practice Areas
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